Saturday 8 November 2014

Kumano Kodo - an ancient pilgrimage hike

We finally made it to Kumano Kodo! We had to cancel our plans twice before because of the typhoons, but we made the most of the national holiday and went this week. Kumano Kodo is an ancient pilgrimage site and a World Heritage site too. It was a fantastic, but exhausting, 3 days.

First picture! We started bright and early on Monday morning...

And prayed for good luck at the first mini shrine.

The scenery was fantastic. We managed to catch some of the autumn leaves (they are just beginning to change colour here).

That's my favourite picture. We haven't edited it at all - the nature was so beautiful. From this viewpoint we could see many trees, and the tori gate from Hongu Taisha temple. So incredibly beautiful.

The end to the first day was at Hongu Taisha temple - and we made it all in one piece! Yay!

We saw a teeny tiny baby praying too - so cute.

We stayed overnight in Yunomine onsen town - which is home to the world's oldest onsen! It was tiny - but a really good experience. After a big Japanese dinner and a great sleep, we were ready to power on the next two days....

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