Saturday 17 May 2014

Kyushu Part 2: Dazaifu

Dazaifu is a short train journey away from central Fukuoka. Temples and shrines are scattered throughout the green countyside... It's a great place to visit.

We firstly visited the most famous temple: Dazaifu Tenmangu. It's extensive grounds were picturesque
and the weather was beautiful!

As always, we couldn't relax and explored many secluded spots and ascended stairs that looked intriguing.

After visiting Kyushu National Museum (and incredible structure hiding away in the countryside), we  visited a famous zen garden.

 It had two gardens: the regular looking, pebbly one, and this very green mossy one. I particularly loved this as it felt alive with nature. You could hear birds moving between the leaves, lizards peeking out behind the rocks, and the moss felt so alive. It was really beautiful. 

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