Saturday 17 January 2015


We were lucky enough to have another three day weekend, so we visited Kagoshima in Southern Japan. Kagoshima is famous for black pork (which we ate), shochu (which we drank), and Sakurajima: an incredible active volcano. 

Taking the ferry over from Kagoshima city to the volcano island. Isn't our new camera great?!

The day we visited the island of Sakurajima was perfect: there were no clouds in the sky and the volcano was very very active!

Jonny played around in the lava rocks.

And we really enjoyed walking around the beautiful island.

Look, such incredible nature!! There were no clouds in the sky that day, all the white puffs in the air are the gasses from the volcano. So cool.

John said, "Be cute!".

And later it looked like he tried to drop me..

We sat at a lookout post drinking beer and admiring the changing puffs from the volcano. You could even hear the 'grumbling' before the mini eruption.

But, we all got covered in ash! It's everywhere!
We were lucky that the volcano was so active that day, but the beautiful nature we saw was another highlight of our stay in Japan. There's too much to see...

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