Saturday 23 November 2013

Osaka Castle

Today we visited the incredible Osaka Castle. 

It has a really interesting history, which you can read about here if you fancy (but I just want to show you the photos we took in the park!). Again, this is another place in Osaka of outstanding beauty. The opulence of the castle framed by the vibrant autumn leaves is stunning. Our first sight of the grounds showed us a gate house, perching high above the water. The castle is surrounded by a moat and the peaceful water is very calming. We spied a couple of royal ducks floating along.

Again, the trees in the park are beautiful! I feel like trees in Japan are way more beautiful than anywhere else, but perhaps it's because it's the first time I've really paid attention to trees..
But look at those bright leaves!

After walking around admiring the park and watching lots of runners speed past, we spied the castle hiding beneath the trees. 

And as we walked further along, the natural beauty framing the castle got better and better. These bright red leaves are phenomenal and clearly show that Autumn is in full swing! We had to stop for more photos. Photographer Jonny did a fantastic job.

Look - I made it! We are slowly picking up the Japanese habits and the peace sign is somewhat of a necessity here. Adults teach their teeny tiny kiddies how to do it which is adorable!

We didn't make it inside the actual castle building. Partially because I'm not sure how interesting and would be, and a bit more partially because we had a bit too much vino last night. I'm still exhausted and looking forward to bed tonight a lot! But a stunning park, and it is supposed to be a great spot for cherry blossom in the spring. Another excuse to go back!

1 comment:

  1. You're right, trees in Japan really are more beautiful, and it's because they prune and shape them assiduously to bring out their beauty and the essential nature of the tree.
    -I'm really enjoying your blog posts! xx
